Huwebes, Marso 17, 2011

Social Inequality Social Class

Social Inequality
 Inequality due to Social Classes

For several hundred years man and woman had strive to be free from these different unequal treatments from different Social Class. We have the people power to create equality from those in power, we have Education to give emphasis to equality and understanding, and we have equal rights to show that are no such thing as differences. But why had it not changed from the pass hundreds years why are we still not free?

 Our answer is these. We are still not free because we don’t let ourselves to accept other people, we don’t give way to good change to occur, we lack Love for our co-country men for it to be able to change our country, we lack trust on everything. We suggest acceptance, understanding, and helping each one to pull each other up wards, and put away old traditions that had no used for the improvement of not just us but the whole of our country.  Freedom is not freedom when we only see it to be a chain that we get loose. We may not be free but at list we are living a life that we may still change.
We would like to ask your help to support us by means of sharing your own experience regarding social inequality due to social classes. We would like to ask you of what would be the best thing to do to get free from this issue? And do you think we can be free from this?

4 (na) komento:

  1. I'm sandy a fresh graduate. i am experiencing inequality due to social class.
    in my job right now lets just say I'm one of those who can be classified as average in living. some of my colleagues are rich and traditional in the some sense. They treat us those belonging to our class rank to to be something that does not deserve good service and equal rights. they be whispering about people like us should have more work, and that we should be given harder task because it is applicable for our social class. they treat as as if we can't buy our own food or eat three times a day. we tried to confront these people yet the only thing we heard from them is that they were not wrong about the distribution of work and how we should had been treated.

    its so sad that even those who are more educated end up cruel and selfish. because of thee some of us in our work became chained to this practice. i believe in your solution suggestion, i think it will work, if only other institutions of our society will work also to dissolve this type of inequality. i hope your research reach other people and hope we all gain freedom (although i also believe it will be very difficult to achieve)

  2. dear miss Sandy

    we hope that your problem regarding social inequality be solved. we too agree that it will be difficult achieve but not impossible to achieve. for us example our classmates in class those not treat us the way they treat other people because we are poor. even in our canteen those who has more money are served first before us (kahit na my pambayad naman kami). we are trying our best to change these but we need the help of many for our goal of freedom and peace be achieved.

  3. Social inequality. It is supposed to be a good thing for a society to function properly. Inequality provides heiarchy of people, generally having people with power to lead and guide the whole society, while followers carry out orders in order to attain the objective of the group positively. but nowadays, i guess nobody realizes it's importance or its productive functions because social inequality in our age brings destruction, corruption and death. It is because social inequality exists nowadays because everyone must survive especially in my own context, in the Philippines

    -jordan palisoc

  4. Social inequality. It is supposed to be a good thing for a society to function properly. Inequality provides heiarchy of people, generally having people with power to lead and guide the whole society, while followers carry out orders in order to attain the objective of the group positively. but nowadays, i guess nobody realizes it's importance or its productive functions because social inequality in our age brings destruction, corruption and death. It is because social inequality exists nowadays because everyone must survive especially in my own context, in the Philippines

    -jordan palisoc
